Family Sessions - Anxiety + Acceptance = Pleasant Surprise

My tweets from yesterday: Before the shoot:

After the shoot:

I got so many replys on twitter regarding this question so I decided to share an outtake versus a selection. Do we ever really feel 100% confident in ourselves as artists? Somehow yesterday, in the midst of two ADORABLE kids having some not so adorable breakdowns we all managed to work together and go from the shot on the left to the shot on the right.

So next time, even though I'll be just an anxious and will think I suck just as bad when the kids are crying and the parents are stressing and we're all doing the best we can- I am going to remember this: we all feel like this and if we are prepared and professional and truly know how to do our job well, we'll knock it out of the park. Let's all stop being so hard on ourselves!
